Jason Boyett

About Me

I graduated from Schreiner University in 2023 with a Bachelor's in Computer Science and a minor in Mathematics. During my time at Schreiner I worked as a Teaching Assistant for the Computer Science department. This expereince helped me master programing fundimentals and gave me a passion for helping other grow and succeed. I am currently working with Schreiner University to develop a speed reading program to help students improve their reading speed and comprehension. My favorite technologies include, TypeScript, Go, Python, Java, and Linux.

Here are some projects I'm proud of:

Project Iris

Project Iris is a speed reading program that I am developing with Schreiner University. It is a web app built with react and the t3 stack under the hood. It is currently in the alpha stage of development and will soon be deployed for testing with students at Schreiner University. check it out here. Or checkout the code on my GitHub

Turing Pass

Turing Pass is a chrome extension that helps the user generate secure passwords. The user simply has to remember a single password and the extension will generate a unique password for each site that the user visits. The user can then re-generate the password for any given site using their master password. Turing Pass has two componants available on github, a chrome extension and a backend server.

Terminal Background Tool

It's a tale as old as time, developer is minorly inconvenienced by a first world problem, So they decide to spend several hours building a solution to that problem. For me, the first world problem was that I wanted to be able to easily change my terminal background without having to go into my dot files. So, I built a simple tool that allows me to do just that. It's available on my GitHub

Salvo Load Tester

Salvo is an open source load testing tool I am currently developing. It is designed to be easy to extend and easy to create language specific SDKs for. It's available on my GitHub


Goethe.nvim is a neovim plugin designed to allow users to easily change their neovim color scheme from inside their editor and have the change persist across sessions. Goethe.nvim also keeps a history of the color schemes that the user has used allows them to easily switch between previous themes. It's available on my GitHub